Великая Символическая Ложа России и Союзных Стран Древнего и Изначального Устава Мемфиса-Мицраима
Великая Символическая Ложа России и Союзных Стран Древнего и Изначального Устава Мемфиса-Мицраима
Великая Символическая Ложа России и Союзных Стран Древнего и Изначального Устава Мемфиса-Мицраима

Древний и Изначальный Устав Мемфиса-Мицраима

Древний и Изначальный Устав Мемфиса-Мицраима
Масоны в России

Великая Символическая Ложа России и Союзных Стран Древнего и Изначального Устава Мемфиса-Мицраима

Ахиман Резон

As practised in Ireland, and by York-Masons in England

Irish Regulations (I.R.) 1 — That the Committee shall be and consist of the Grand-Master, the Deputy Grand-Master, and Grand-Wardens, and all former Grand Officers; the Treasurer and Secretary, with the Master of every regular Lodge in the City of Dublin for the Time being.

York Masons Regulations (Y.M.R.) 1 — All present and former Grand Officers, Treasurer and Secretary, with the Masters of eight regular Lodges, who are summoned and [90] obliged to attend in their turns; the Method is four of the oldest, and four of the youngest Masters, are summoned Monthly, to hear all Petitions, &c. and to order such Relief to be given to distressed Brethren, as their Necessity may appear and Prudence may direct.

I.R. 2 — That all Collections, Contributions, and other charitable Sum or Sums of Money, of what Nature or Kind so ever, that shall at any Time be brought into the Grand Lodge, shall be deposited in the Hands of the Treasurer, who is not to disburse or expend the same, or any Part thereof, on any Account whatever, without an Order from the said Committee, which Order shall be signed by the Secretary, or the Grand Officer or Master than presiding in the Chair.

Y.M.R. 2 — This is punctually practiced here [N 2-91]

I.R. 3 — That neither the Treasurer, or any other Person whatever, shall give dor sign any Order on the Treasurer for any Sum of Money, until the same be first approved of by the Majority of the Committee, and entered into their Transaction-Book together, with the Name or Names of the Person or Persons to whom the same is to be given.

Y.M.R. 3 — This is likewise practiced here.

I.R. 4 — That no anonymous Letter, Petition, or Recommendation, by or from any Person, or on any Account of Pretence whatsoever, be introduced or read in this Committee.

Y.M.R. 4 — The same observed here. [92]

I.R. 5 — That any Person who shall petition the Grand Lodge, or this Committee for Charity, shall be known to be at least one whole Year a contributing Brethren, who shall have personal Knowledge thereof; and that no Person shall prefer, or bring in, any Petition to this Committee, but one of the Members who signs it, the Petitioner also attending in Person, except in Cases of Sickness, Lameness, or Imprisonment.

Y.M.R. 5 — Registered Masons, who have contributed for six Months, and a Member of a regular Lodge during the Time, are heard and considered, &c. and Sojourners, or traveling Masons, are relieved by private Collections not out of the Fund. All Petitions or Recommendations shall be signed by some Master or Warden of a regular Lodge, to whom the Petitioner is personally knoOwn, and who shall (if in Town) attend the Steward’s Lodge, to assert the Truth of the Petition. Any Brother may send in a Petition or Recommendation, but none are admitted to sit and hear the Debates but the Grand Officers, Treasurer, Secretary, and the eight Masters summoned for that Purpose.
The Petitioners also are to attend (if in or adjacent to London) except in Cases of Sickness, Lameness, or Imprisonment.

I.R. 6 — That is shall be the inherent Power of this Committee, to dispose of the Fund laid in for Charity to charitable Uses, and no other (and that only to such Persons who shall appear by their Petitions, as aforesaid, to be deserving and in real Want of charitable and brotherly Assistance) not exceeding the Sum of five Pounds to any one Person, or otherwise supply them with a weekly Support, as they shall judge most necessary.

Y.M.R. 6 — This Regulation is the Practise here, only with this Alteration, viz. the Steward’s Lodge have full Power and Authority to give the Petitioner more than five Pounds, if it seems prudent to them [94]

I.R. 7 — That no Brother who has received Assistance from this Committee of Charity, shall petition a second Time, unless some new and well-attested Allegation appear.

Y.M.R. 7 — This is left to the Discretion of the Steward’s Lodge.

I.R. 8 — That no extraneous Brother, that is not made in a regular Lodge, but made in a clandestine Manner, or only with a View to partake of this Charity, nor any assisting at such irregular Makings, shall be qualified to receive any Assistance therefrom.

Y.M.R. 8 — This Regulation is observed by the York Masons, and it is firmly hoped it will be always continued.

I.R. 9 — That this Committee of Charity may resolve itself into a Committee of the Grand Lodge, at any Time when they shall have Business from the Grand Lodge laid before them, or that the Grand Lodge shall refer any Case to them, when they have too much to do in one Night; and that the Report of the said Committee shall be read in the Grand Lodge, and by them be approved of, before the same be put in Execution or Practice.

Y.M.R. 9 — The Steward’s Lodge have full Power and Authority to hear and determine all Matters (concerning Free-Masonry) [95] that shall be laid before them, except in making new Regulations, which Power is wholly invested in the whole Community when met at their quarterly Communications, where all the Transactions of the Steward’s Lodge shall be audibly read before all the Free-Masons then present.

I.R. 10 — That it is the indispensable Right of the Grand Lodge, to order the Committee to meet when they shall judge it necessary, who shall then have Power to adjourn themselves from Time to Time, as Business may require, at any Time between the monthly Meetings of the Grand Lodge where all the preceeding Business of the Committee shall be read over, in order to inform the Grand Lodge of the Charity expended, and to receive their Concurrence in any Matter that may be refer’d to them.

Y.M.R. 10 — The Stewards Lodge meet on the third Wednesday in each Kalendar Month, &c. or sooner, if the Grand Lodge give Orders for so doing. [96]

I.R. 11 — That when this Committee is ordered to be assembled, and thereto duly summoned, any eleven of them then meeting shall be a Quorum, and proceed upon Business; and if any Debate shall happen to arise, the Majority of Votes then present shall be decisive, always allowing the Grand Officer, or he that shall then preside in the Chair, two Votes if Occasion require.

Y.M.R. 11 — For the speedy Relief of distressed Brethren, &c. three of the eight Masters summoned for that Purpose (with or without Grand Officers) the Secretary and Books always present, may proceed to business, as Prudence and brotherly Love shall direct them.

The End of the Irish and York Masons Regulations.

Великая Символическая Ложа России и Союзных Стран Древнего и Изначального Устава Мемфиса-Мицраима